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RPC Peshovich Base seat - RPC Peshovich, Бејс седиште - РПЦ Пешовић

Base seat

Base seat

Base Thoughtfully designed, smooth and curved surfaces provide ample ergonomic support to user. High gloss surface and carefully placed drains allow easy cleaning and maintenance in all conditions of exploitation. Extremely compact dimensions, Base seat is easily installed on all types of substrates including removable and telescopic bleachers. Rib-reinforced, this single-shell construction can meet the highest demands placed on it. Designed to prevent hiding of contraband of any type beneath any portion of the seat, it will allow the piece of mind in these times of heightened security. Seats are fixed to the concrete substrate with two high tensile strength bolts. Alternately, custom substructure can be fashioned per your specification. Dimensions (mm):
  • width 430
  • height 70
  • depth 360
  • axial distance (min) 480
Download the full catalog here.
This type of coating is used to create a hard finish that is tougher than conventional paint.

Rest assured, when you specify this finish, you have at your disposal over 6,000 colors from RAL®, Pantone® or NCS® color systems.

All our seating products can be custom-made for your specific project. You can choose any color from these color systems:

You can also request polymer additives to address specific needs of your project:

  • UV (ultra violet)
  • FR (flame retardant)
  • ASA (anti-static additive)
We use Hot dip zinc galvanizing method to impart long-term corrosion protection to steel seating components by means of coating it with molten zinc. It has been around for 150 years and has been tried and tested in outdoor applications.